So what does this mean? And why should I care? Well, for one it’s incredibly important for
everyone in the Community to take the opportunity to express what they really
want the answers to. What is it that
means the most to you? What answers
would make the biggest difference to your life? Secondly, this is a rare opportunity for
opinions to actually count as the results of this survey could well serve to
dictate how funds are directed in the future.
As we know that research funds in this field are not exhaustive, it’s
vital that the results of this survey deliver a realistic and honest view of
our desires and needs.
The context of this particular survey is 'Quality of Life'. Now, it’s important we take some time to
analyse this term carefully before taking the survey. 'Quality of Life' is a term that is often used broadly by stakeholders within the Community and
often such broad statements can serve to dilute or detract from the underlying
factors of a complex multi-dimensional problem such as SCI.
WHO defines 'Quality of Life' as the individuals' perception of their position in
life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in
relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.

Unsurprisingly, the results of this survey were
fairly predictable. Quadriplegics saw
hand and arm function as a priority and paraplegics saw bowel, bladder and
sexual function as the priority. Both
quadriplegics and paraplegics shared bladder/bowel and sexual function as high
priorities whereas paraplegics desired walking movement as a bigger priority
than quadriplegics.
Are you nodding your head in agreement so far? All pretty obvious stuff so far right?
Now, before all of you quadriplegics go rushing off
to complete the survey with 'give me hand/arm function' or all of you paraplegics ask for answers to your 'incontinence issues' can I encourage you to take a step back (no pun intended) to have a look at the
categories once again and in particular the underlying cause of each:

Rather than ask
for a solution to a symptom(s) that we are facing in this current moment how
about we look to find a solution to the underlying cause?
Could it be that the
real question we want to ask is 'how can we repair the damage to the spinal
cord to restore function?' Wouldn't this be more a more compelling and unified statement from our
Community and one that would result in more research funds being directed to
regeneration and repair of the damaged cord rather than scattered projects
researching symptoms?
about pressure sores?!' cry health and social care professionals? What about 'osteoporosis, infertility,
depression, obesity, cardiovascular disease, type-2 diabetes, urinary tract
infections, unemployment, social isolation, poverty and suicide'?
Yes, admittedly these are massive ongoing issues amongst
the SCI Community and constitute a massive burden on our health systems. And yes, there is probably lots of new
research that could be undertaken in these areas to improve quality of life and
reduce some of those healthcare costs.
BUT, almost all of these issues are as a result of a loss of function,
independence and well being to the individual.
A wise man, who has worked at the sharp end of the
SCI field for over 30 years recently claimed that Care for individuals in the
SCI Community has infinite bounds and that it’s
high time that we acknowledged Cure is the ultimate form of Quality of
Life. A very interesting and profound
statement from a well-respected clinician and researcher in the field.
What does he mean by infinite bounds?
It means no matter how many carers you have, how big your
financial compensation package is, how light your wheelchair is, how many
accessible shops and restaurants there are, how much rehabilitation is
available to you, how many incontinence products available to you and how much
assistive technology is available – it cannot ever compare with the gains in health,
independence and well being resulting from the return of function.

The repair
of the chronically damaged spinal cord is the ultimate form of Quality of Life for the SCI Community!
I strongly urge you to take part in this survey and
more importantly, ask the right question ie
how can we repair the damaged spinal cord to restore function?
The survey is here.
Access to the previously published Reeve-Irvine
paper and survey can be found here.
The only thing that I can take credit for in the writing of today's blog post is the good sense to have let someone else write it in a much more eloquent way than I ever could.
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