27 April 2013

Add your voice to the $2 million California Cure! Send FAX or EMAIL

You did it once and now we want you to do it again!

Your faxes and emails got the California House of Representative's Health Committee to approve two million dollars in annual funding for paralysis cure.

Now, we need your strength to get it through the powerful Appropriations Committee which meets at 9AM on 1 May.

It's up to you again. Send your fax (free and online) or email now to support Roman's law in California for $2 million annually in cure money!

AB714 (Wieckowski D), also known as Roman's Law, will directly fund the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Grant Fund and Core Laboratory. In addition, it will also provide a research funding account and lab to the University of California to fund and carry out pioneering science to advance the field of spinal cord injury research. AB714 will also provide funding to ALL of the best spinal cord injury research scientists at Universities, Industry and Colleges in California.

You'll be called upon again for the many committees that this must go through and you're voice at EVERY stage will be the deciding factor.

The campaign is now closed. Thank you for your support.

14 April 2013

Another email if you care about CURE

I know that now all my readers are American. Heck, I'm not American, but because I care about cure, I'm sending one more email to the Minnesota senate to get the Jablonski Rodreick Bill back on track. Seems that it's gotten stuck and we need you to unstick it.

First, for those of you who don't know about it, or remember it, I'll give you the short version of the bill.

It is requesting an annual $4 million dollar investment into research to discover a CURE for paralysis.

So, why do we need your help?

Well, a lot of you not being American, and it's even confusing for Americans I think, I'll again give you a short summary and then urge you to send your email immediately.

Basically, this bill will not be included in the budget which will be voted on by the Minnesota House of Representatives. Why? I don't know why. The bill had already passed numerous committee votes.

But there still is hope, and if you believe in a cure for paralysis, you do believe in hope and also know that hoping is not enough. We got to work at it.

Here's the hope. The Minnesota senate also puts forward a budget bill and if we can get the Jablonski Rodreick Bill into the senate budget, there is still a chance to get it through!

So, I want you to write to Sen. Lourey and the Health and Human Services Finance Committee members and ask them to include our paralysis cure bill in the senate budget.

You sent one email and passed it through a load of committees, now I want you to send one more and UNSTICK this bill.

This campaign has ended. Thank you for your support.

06 April 2013

From Minnesota to California – Your emails will cure paralysis

Send an email to the California Assembly to support $2 million for paralysis cure!

A month or so ago I asked you to support a bill to increase funding for paralysis cure in Minnesota, and you responded. Your emails have pushed this bill through yet another hurdle as it just passed the senate finance committee.

Senator Hayden introduced the Bill by saying; ‘you may have heard of this Bill’…to which Senator Franzen replied, ‘yes, my inbox is full of messages showing support for this Bill’.

Yes, they've heard about the Bill, thanks to all of you.

Beside the unanimous vote to move forward, was some glowing commentary and support voiced by Republican Senator Kiffmeyer. She spoke for a few minutes about her support, and for all of the very kind and insightful things she said, the one that was most encouraging was: ‘This Bill’s time has come’.

Now, I want you to do the same in California to send an email to support Roman’s Law for funding for paralysis cure. 

The first hearing will be the California Assembly's Health Committee on 15 April, but we have to move quickly as we only have a few days to get our appeal in this time. 

Roman’s Law (AB714 Wieckowski, D) is for $2 million to restore funding to the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Grant Fund and Core Laboratory. In addition, it will also provide a research funding account and lab to the University of California to fund and carry out pioneering science to advance the field of spinal cord injury research. AB714 will also provide funding to ALL of the best spinal cord injury research scientists at Universities, Industry and Colleges in California.

This is another bill whose time has come. Let’s make sure that we show our support for this law by sending a simple email so that politicians in California will also say, yes, my inbox is full of messages showing support for this Bill’.

The campaign has closed. Thanks for your great support!