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This bill now has to pass the full Senate and then has to be signed into law by the Governor. Last year, the bill passed all the phases of the Assembly and Senate but it was vetoed by the Governor.
This year, Roman's Law followed the Governor's advice and instead of putting a levy on tickets to fund the bill, it's a straight request for $1 million per year from the general account.
We're now working on a GIANT "CureParalysis" card to send to the Governor so when the bill gets to his desk, he'll know the world is cheering him on to sign the bill into law.
You can sign the CureParalysis card below (if you haven't yet done so). We're now over 500, but still need your support.
For more information at Roman's Law, please see http://romanreedfoundation.com/new-ca-laws-ab714-ab666/
This campaign has now ended. Thanks for all your support.
In answer to your question dennis, I think we can rule out Rutgers as a place where the cure will come from. And while on the subject how about this:
ReplyDeleteLast year a opra request prompted this post by Dr Morton who works for Wise Young:
08-24-2012, 05:29 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 162 JustADollarPlease.org --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I am happy to provide the following information on the JustADollarPlease.org fund from the Rutgers University Division of Life Sciences business office. The account was opened in fiscal year 08-09. Since then close to $400,000 has been donated to support the clinical trials in the U.S. Minimal funds were expended before 2012. In fiscal year 12 in preparation for the start of these trials, just over $200,000 has been allocated for clinical trial preparation including recruiting clinical trial centers, meetings with principal investigators and clinicians, development of and consensus on clinical trial protocols, preparation of required documents, pre-IND discussion with the FDA, and verification of GMP cell handling facilities and procedures. In addition, since the inception of the fund, $29,000+ in gift assessment fees has been charged to this account. Please let me know if you have any questions - I'll be glad to find the answers for you. We are very grateful for your help in getting the clinical trials underway close to home.
posted today: ChinaScinet
We have been focusing on completing the checking and validation of the data and closing the database for the phase II trials in Hong Kong and Kunming, analyzing the data, and preparing the application for trial in China. This application will be then used as a template for the applications in India, Norway, and the United States.
Last year there were no trial centers nor investigators in the USA and he says the application for trial in China is first being done now, and it will be used as a template for application to FDA in the USA, so where did he spend those funds obtained through JustADollarPlease and the watchful eye of the Rutgers Foundation?
Also notice how Dr Morton said minimal funds were spent before 2012. I guess they rushed to take the funds out before they answered the opra request
Boob, all this BS doesn't have a thing to do with funding the Roman Reed Foundation and getting Gov. Jerry Brown to sign the bill. You're a fruitcake troll because you're a sore loser. Your only goal in life is to kill Wise Young because he's not working with ESC, creating a handicap basketball team at Rutgers for your kid and didn't testify against the hospital when your kid didn't get a steroid shot when you wanted to sue them for big money...your selfish motives and revenge tactics are well known there Boob. Give it a rest and go troll somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteYou obviously didn't read the statement by Patricia Morton, nor did you call her with any questions now did you Bob!? You and your conspiracy theory is looney tunes. You're stupid in coming to a comment section of an unrelated website to spread your malicious propaganda and then think that anyone should respect your opinion. Your snake in the grass actions tell the whole story to everyone. A man is judged by his character and integrity, of which you have NONE. Get lost and stop blabbering your horseshit everywhere. Your stupidity drill gets old.
ReplyDeleteTroll: In answer to your question? Where did Dennis ask you a question in the first place?
ReplyDeleteAre you psycho or something? Maybe you just cannot read. I'll bet $1000k you didn't bother to sign the paralysis card from the post above. You're a lazy butt that does nothing but stalk a Rutgers employee. You're sick man!
Nobody rushed to take funds out before the opra request. The books are open for anyone's observation at the University Division of Life Sciences business office and you can be proven wrong. You spread lies and hate Bob instead of doing anything to help. Take your hatred to your grave instead of spreading it around.
ReplyDeleteIt really takes a certain type of person to defend Dr Young. I'm not surprised at all
ReplyDeleteIt really doesn't take an internet troll named Bob desecrating someone. I'm not surprised that you skulk around here trying to do that.. You need a straight jacket and intense mental help. You're a sick SOB.
ReplyDeleteThis blog post doesn't contain anything about Dr. Young in the first place. Go make your own blog lazy ass. This blog created by Dennis obviously isn't about DESTROYING, but about building and helping the community to grow. You on the other hand Bob, twist and turn every effort made by Dennis to be something about your personal stalking and kill mission of Mr. Young. You're nothing more than a reappearing boil that constantly needs lanced and taped shut. You should be admitted to an insane asylum.
ReplyDeleteLook around on other blog sites about spinal cord injury, you'll see that this knuckle head posts this same exact hate advertisement on all of them. When he's hell bent on killing someone, he pulls out all the stops just like any other stalker. If you see this killer named Bob in a dark alley, RUN !!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFace it. Bob is a liar and everyone knows it. He think's if he keeps advertising his hate that people will think he is cunning and sly and then join in with his sick terroristic threats and stalking. This nut job is SICK! Dr. Young should hire secret service and self protection against this psycho attacker.
ReplyDeleteIf he could post anything other than conjecture and innuendo someone may have been curious. It's the lack of any factual information and the stalking that Bob does that makes it all ludicrous. It's no wonder he's been banned off every spinal cord injury website. He's too crazy and unimaginative for my taste. The personal motives get in the way of any logic. Wise didn't make him a rich guy in a lawsuit so Bob will be disappointed forever. Wise best purchase a bullet proof vest or something.
ReplyDeleteAll stinky hot air from you Bob. No facts just farts. Nobody is following this whole troll war of Bob's, but what else has he got to do? He wants an intelligent fighter like Dennis and other people to seek revenge for what Bob views as his personal disappointments. Sure Wise couldn't make a basketball team for his kid, cure sci, study the wrong cells and help Bob win money in a lawsuit...but surely nobody deserve to be stalked like this. Since Bob has such big mental problems, couldn't he qualify for public mental health care? He may get suicidal or something! Hang on Bob.
ReplyDeleteSo Leif, when is Wise starting his trials in Norway where you laid out the red carpet for him?
ReplyDeleteThere's is no trial in Norway you dip shit Can't you read moron?
ReplyDeleteMore guessing and innuendo instead of facts Bob. You should stop being so stupid and learn facts instead of posting jibberish.
ReplyDeleteIf Bob would have spent a minute reading his favorite sci forum he would have already known that Norway never got trial protocols, Ph 2 data and other necessary paperwork. Bob is too busy trolling the Roman Reed comment section to know any pertinent information. That's the way a troll operates. Please, someone roll the troll up in a red carpet and throw him out in the landfill.
ReplyDeleteNope, looney Bob would drag himself out and crawl clear to Rutgers to snuff out Mr. Young. I wonder if Rutgers has a restraining order out on this stalker? Someone really should report it to the authorities.
ReplyDeleteHe mad Dr. not cure him. He give all money for trial. Not get money back for him. In China say not good yet. More work to help back and neck. I not go with them. Wait and no money. Why he give all money on trial? I tell people no fix. Wait see China long time. No clinic to sell stem cell not help. I tell more times. No
ReplyDeleteThis dork didn't know there's no trial in India, USA or Norway? I guess there's no red carpet and no sign of intelligent life when a dork is spewing his sewage.
ReplyDeleteToo funny. Leif has no red carpet to roll out if you ask around to the Norwegians.
ReplyDeleteWhat is clear is that Leif and Wise deserve each other. Would you trust a researcher who would work with a nut like Leif? The way Leif acts you gotta wonder how come he isn't banned from Carecure, but Kivi66 was? And Paolo was for a while? And as for BigBob, he asked the tough questions before there were ay2012, nowhereman, paolo, Lorylu, chris paddon, dr Silver or
ReplyDelete, even a past carecure moderator who speaks up now at times against Wise, doing the same things she used to chastise bigbob for. I knew Lynnifer would see through those promises of walking in only a few years where nobody would be able to tell you had a spinal cord injury.
You're trying to put words in a whole lot of other's people mouths BigBob. That troll manipulation doesn't work. It's clear you're a total nut job and shouldn't be on the loose. Where is the zookeeper with the net? Nutty BigBob is on overtime.
Delete"As for BigBob" ???...you now talk about yourself in the third person Bob? Do you listen to overpowering voices in the night? That's called schizophrenia and they can treat that.
DeleteSchizophrenia (/ˌskɪtsɵˈfrɛniə/ or /ˌskɪtsɵˈfriːniə/) is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of thought processes and by a deficit of typical emotional responses.[1] Common symptoms include auditory hallucinations, paranoid or bizarre delusions, or disorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of about 0.3–0.7%.[2] Diagnosis is based on observed behavior and the patient's reported experiences.
The mainstay of treatment is antipsychotic medication, which primarily suppresses dopamine (and sometimes serotonin) receptor activity. Psychotherapy and vocational and social rehabilitation are also important in treatment. In more serious cases—where there is risk to self and others—involuntary hospitalization may be necessary, although hospital stays are now shorter and less frequent than they once were.
The disorder is thought mainly to affect cognition, but it also usually contributes to chronic problems with behavior and emotion. People with schizophrenia are likely to have additional (comorbid) conditions, including major depression and anxiety disorders; the lifetime occurrence of substance use disorder is almost 50%.[6] Social problems, such as long-term unemployment, poverty, and homelessness are common. The average life expectancy of people with the disorder is 12 to 15 years less than those without, the result of increased physical health problems and a higher suicide rate (about 5%).
Bob is hearing voice again...someone should check his home for firearms. We don't need anymore tragedies.
DeleteBTW it was fine for Dennis to advocate in the Cure section until it might have an effect on Wise's money in NJ.
ReplyDeleteDennis you do good work, but using Carecure as a platform can prove to be harmful
No, not harmful at all. Dennis does a fantastic job and his efforts get a free ride from Wise Young forum. Wise has also praised his efforts in getting questions answered on cure spending. Good job Dennis!
DeleteSchizophrenia can be overcome Bob. You might want to check into that sooner than later.
DeleteIt was ok for Wise to post this in cure about the same fund!
ReplyDeleteNew Jersey State to Cut Spinal Cord Injury Research Funds
In 1999, the state of New Jersey passed a law which took $1 from each traffic ticket and put that towards the funding of spinal cord injury research. In 2003 and then 2005, the state legislature passed similar legislation to take $1 from traffic tickets to pay for brain injury and autism research. The laws states that the money cannot be used for any other purpose. The New Jersey Commission for Spinal Cord Research funds approximately $3.5 million of spinal cord injury research per year. When I first came to New Jersey in 1997, there was little spinal cord injury research being done in the state. Now, there are over a dozen laboratories doing spinal cord injury research.
I just learned that Governor Chris Christie will be taking $5 million from the NJ Commission for Spinal Cord Research... this is the amount that was unspent from last year and this coming year's amounts. This will not only devastate the spinal cord injury program in the state but many students and fellows who are being funded by the Commission will no longer be getting their funding. The funds for spinal cord injury research are not coming from tax revenues. It comes from traffic tickets. The money was specifically designated for the purpose of supporting spinal cord injury research.
It is true that the legislature has tacked on autism and brain injury to traffic tickets since 1999 but this does not mean that the original rationale for using traffic offences to correct one of the consequences of motor vehicle violations. About half of all spinal cord injuries come from motor vehicular accidents. It is appropriate for $1 to be taken from each traffic violation to support spinal cord injury research. It is wrong and illegal for Governor Christie to take this money from the Commission to pay for budgetary deficits.
Wise. ( New Jersey State to Cut Spinal Cord Injury Research Funds)
He also posted in this one too in the cure section ( State Budget Puts Spinal Cord Injury Research in Jeopardy)
The forum belongs to Wise Young. You have no ownership or financial interest in it at all crazy troll BigBob.
DeleteWAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! What a friggin crybaby. If you don't like the guy posting in his own forum, that's tough shit. Why not get off lazy butt and pay for your own forum stupid BigBob!
DeleteThe way Wise moves things around to protect his interests I gotta believe JimmyMack on the NJ commission for spinal cord research is a whopping conflict of interest
ReplyDeleteNobody is going to nominate you to the NJ Commission crazy BigBob. We already know where your interest is. We're not wanting tax payer money spent on building basketball teams for your kid. That won't help us get a cure...STFU
DeleteThe only thing that isn't moving around is your brain cells Bob! Jimmy isn't Wise Young if you hadn't noticed. You're just wanting something to tear apart. Go do your stalking and vendetta junk somewhere else.
Deleteeee gads... the troll gives carecure commentary like a sports caster. I think I'll puke now after reading poor BigBob's sick dribble.
ReplyDeleteI'm laughing at BigBob's attempt to martyr himself over being banned off that forum. Your attempts at killing Wise become more insane all the time. It's not anyone's fault but your own. I dare say trying to list names of people that are "pro crazy BigBob" just goes to prove how nuts you really are. They in no way endorse your brand of stalking and deceit.
ReplyDeleteNo, don't laugh. This guy has a mental sickness. Schizophrenia is no laughing matter. BigBob must seek treatment or he could become suicidal if his inner voices tell him to kill himself or harm someone.
Delete"You're getting a free ride from Wise's website, he's the one who decides what's what. Be thankful you have this forum to complain about this forum. Or something." a post last night showing the mentality of devoted Wise Young fans.
DeleteEvery time I see something like that I am thankful for your forum dennis, and U2F also and yes for the people that speak up!
My reasoning is that Wise tries to get places by selling a story, not by doing scientific work, it's by no warmth he continues carecure, he uses carecure to lift himself.
BOB says "My reasoning is that Wise tries to get places by selling a story, not by doing scientific work, it's by no warmth he continues carecure, he uses carecure to lift himself."
DeleteThe troll guy thinks he's a PRIEST now! May he not lead us into temptation...holy Moses!
Boob, instead of posting these nutty commentaries off a sci forum onto Dennis's blog site comment section, why don't you do something constructive like raising money for sci research? You troll around bitching but never bother to raise a finger to help. Your trolling and vindictive behavior is worthless to help anything or anyone including your own kid. Stop pretending that you give a shit about your own kid. Whining and bitching solves nothing and doesn't move a cure along. Get off your lazy ass and help do something. Hiding around trolling is stupid and yet you expect everyone else to take care of your kids paralysis for ya. Get a life man.
ReplyDeleteBigBob the BLOB. He thinks everyone else should do all the work while he sits around typing bullshit onto comment sections doing a vendetta campaign of some kind. You have a good point. When was the last time BigBob bothered to hold a fundraiser to help with research for a cure? It aint' gonna happen either. We need a whole lotta action and a lot less bitching and whining out of this roving troll that hasn't spent one dime to help lift a cure effort. If you're not going to help do anything other than bitch and moan...then you ought to damn well write a check to fund some rats and pharmaceuticals to help your own kid. Lift a pen up Bob to write a check instead of your using your middle finger on a keyboard all day long.
ReplyDeleteBob, you're being a leech. Making a website or blog is free. Stop lifting your own vendetta and hatred towards carecure here on this blog. Use your own imagination instead of sucking on everyone else's tit. Hasta La Vista Baby. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_7vVOnpyJY
ReplyDeleteTroll on a bandwagon helping the paralyzed. Now if that isn't the biggest cruel joke!