Thank you so much for all your emails to the California legislature for paralysis cure funding. Your emails worked and the law has passed all Assembly and Senate committees along with the full sitting of both the Assembly and Senate. YOU did this!
There is one last step and that is for the Governor to sign it. The Governor makes the last decision on these laws and if he doesn't sign it, the chance that the law will die is very big.
Please read an appeal from Roman Reed himself to send a LETTER to the California Governor.
I'm making this appeal especially to those in North America as the chance of your letter arriving during the work is very high.
by Roman Reed
Everything that we have given and All that we have done for AB1647, all the time spent, all the lobbying and letters sent. Has given us a chance!
We have One Chance to have our Governor Brown sign paralysis cure into California Law.
Miracles don't get a second chance, we must seize this opportunity to fund the research that will bring about our paralysis cure.
Carpe Diem means Seize the Day.
I am Roman Reed and I will.
Will you...Take A Stand!
here's how:
Copy and Paste the letter below and send your letter of support directly to the Governor. Each letter matters.
Calls and hard copy letters:
Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: (916) 558-3160
Here is the letter to copy and past or write your own letter.
Dear Honorable Governor Brown,
I support California Assembly Bill 1657, a one dollar ($1) surcharge on all moving traffic violations to fund the Roman Reed Spinal Cord Injury Research Act via the University of California.
AB 1657 provides annual funding for research of spinal cord injury and related neurological conditions such as ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons', Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and others, to be able to one day realize the dream of paralysis cure.
Supported by Lt.Governor Gavin Newsom, the University ofCalifornia, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Bob Klein, Steve Westly, Craig Newmark, Kristi Yamaguchi, Stem Cells Inc., CA Stem Cell Inc., Dr. Hans Keirstead, California Healthcare Institute, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation,Dr. Irv Weissman, Sherry Lansing,Dr. Paul Berg, Art Torres, Duane Roth, Stu Gordon, Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, Dr. Os Steward, Dr. Brock Reeve, Dr. Wise Young, Dr.Alisa Gean, Dr. Paul Knoepfler, Bay Bio and the USC School of Politics among many others!
There is a clear nexus ofconnection between car crash and paralysis. Auto accidents cause 46%of all spinal cord injuries and 56% of children's SCI paralysis, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is altogether appropriate to fine those who may cause the condition.
For every 1 dollar that Roman's Law has granted - 5 dollars have been brought into California from out of State matching grants. Namely the NIH. Granting 15.4 Million and attracting an additional 85.6 Million dollars for California.
AB 1657 creates biomedical jobs in California, brings money into our State and enables the research that provides hope for all of paralysis cure.
Please sign AB 1657, Take A Stand, So One Day-Everybody Can!!
Sincerely Yours,
This campaign has now ended. See update soon!
In your Thank You Letter for Promotion use your boss first name in the salutation and throughout the body of the letter.
ReplyDeleteThank You Letter for Promotion
Dear Honorable Governor Brown,
ReplyDeleteI support California Assembly Bill 1657, a one dollar ($1) surcharge on all moving traffic violations to fund the Roman Reed spinal Cord Injury Research Act via the University of California. This support can change the lives of the spinal cord community.
AB1657 provides annual funding for research of spinal cord injury and related neurological conditions such as ALS, Alzheimer's, Parkinsons', Spinal Muscular Atrophy(SMA) and others, to be able to one day realize the dream of paralysis cure. No one should have to finish their lives in a wheelchair.
Supported by Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, the University of California, The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Bob Klein, Steve Westly, Craig Newmark, Krisi Yamaguchi, Stem Cells Inc., CA Stem Cell Inc. Dr. Hans Keirstead, California Healthcare Institute, Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, Dr. Irv Weissman, sherry Lansing, Dr. Paul Berg, Art Torres, Duane Roth, Stu Gordon, Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, Dr. Os Steward, Dr. Brock Reeve, Dr. Wise Young, Dr. Alisa Gean, Dr. Paul Knoepfler, Bay Bio and the USC School of Politics among many others!
There is a clear nexus of connection between car crashes and paralysis. Auto accidents cause 46% of all spinal cord injuries and 56% of children's SCI paralysis, according to the Mayo Clinic. It is altogether appropriate to fine those who may cause the condition.
For every ($1) dollar that Roman's Law has granted- $5 dollars have been brought into California from out of State matching grants. Namely the NIH. Granting 15.4 Million and attracting an additional 85.6 Million dollars for California. This is major economic development for the state of California as well as helping the spinal cord community and many other type of illnesses.
AB 1657 creates biomedical jobs in California, brings money into our State and enables the research that provides hope for all of paralysis cure.
Please sign AB 1657, Take a Stand, so one day-everybody can!
Sincerely Yours,
Joseph Monteforte T-10 Complete SCI
when you are writing the appeal letter the letter must be in official will give the good imprecision on you.
ReplyDeleteAppeal Letters